Popular PHP Frameworks: Developing Website and Web Application
I’ve share Popular PHP Framework for developing website and web application. They are 81.2% of websites using PHP as server-side programming languages. Because of, PHP is faster and easy develop a website and web application.
PHP Framework can be used for most of the companies for developing website and web application. Here I’ve list 50 PHP framework with short explanation about the framework. For more information visit official site.
1. Laravel
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching.
2. Phalcon
Phalcon is an open source, full stack framework for PHP written as a C-extension, optimized for high performance. You don’t need to learn or use the C language, since the functionality is exposed as PHP classes ready for you to use. Phalcon also is loosely coupled, allowing you to use its objects as glue components based on the needs of your application.
3. Symfony
Symfony the leading PHP framework to create websites and web applications. Built on top of the Symfony Components. Components are a set of decoupled and reusable PHP libraries. They are becoming the standard foundation on which the best PHP applications are built on. You can use any of these components in your own applications independently from the Symfony Framework.
4. CodeIgniter
CodeIgniter is a toolkit for people who build web applications using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. CodeIgniter lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.
5. Cake PHP
CakePHP makes building web applications simpler, faster and require less code. CakePHP is a modern PHP 5.4+ framework with a flexible Database access layer and a powerful scaffolding system that makes building both small and complex systems a breeze.
6. Zend Framework
Zend Framework uses 100% object-oriented code and utilises most of the new features of PHP 5.3. Components practice dependency injection, supported by our Service Locator and DiC components. A powerful module management system. An EventManager, for writing event-driven systems, as well as for creating cut points in your software for introducing cross-cutting concerns. A new view layer, architected around analyzing the request and generating a suitable response, be it plain old HTML, or Atom feeds or JSON.
7. Yii Framework
Yii is a free, open-source Web application development framework written in PHP5 that promotes clean, DRY design and encourages rapid development. It works to streamline your application development and helps to ensure an extremely efficient, extensible, and maintainable end product.
8. Slim
Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.
Fat-Free Framework a powerful yet easy-to-use PHP micro-framework designed to help you build dynamic and robust web applications – fast!. F3 supports both SQL and NoSQL databases off-the-shelf: MySQL, SQLite, MSSQL/Sybase, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and its own lightning fast Flat-File DB. It also comes with powerful object-relational mappers for data abstraction and modeling that are just as lightweight as the framework. No configuration needed. F3 can also shield you from spam and DoS attacks, by performing DNSBL checks. It can increase your server health and uptime, by controlling web server traffic with profile analysis and bandwidth throttle.
10. Kohana
Kohana is an open source, object oriented MVC web framework built using PHP5 by a team of volunteers that aims to be swift, secure, and small. Anything can be extended using the unique filesystem design, little or no configuration is necessary, error handling helps locate the source of errors quickly, and debugging and profiling provide insight into the application. To help secure your applications, tools for input validation, signed cookies, form and HTML generators are all included. The database layer provides protection against SQL injection. Of course, all official code is carefully written and reviewed for security.
11. Zikula
Zikula can be used to develop robust, secure, interactive and editable websites and web based applications. Zikula is written in object oriented PHP and is fully modular. It requires a database and may use leading platforms like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database and Microsoft SQL Server.
12. Prado
PRADO is a component-based and event-driven programming framework for developing Web applications in PHP 5. Main Features of PRADO are Object-oriented and highly reusable code. Event-driven programming. Separation of presentation and logic. Configurable and pluggable modular architecture. Full spectrum of database support. Feature-rich Web components: HTML input controls, validators, datagrid, wizard. AJAX-enabled Web components. Built-in support of internationalization (I18N) and localization (L10N). Customizable and localizable error/exception handling. Multiway message logging with filters. Generic caching modules and selective output caching. Extensible authentication and authorization framework. Security measures: cross-site script (XSS) prevention, cookie protection. XHTML compliance. Rich documentation and strong userbase.
13. Phocoa
PHOCOA (pronounced faux-ko) is a PHP framework for developing web applications. PHOCOA’s primary intent is to make web application development in PHP easier, faster, and higher-quality. The framework handles most of the “dirty work” of web application development by providing infrastructure for all of the common tasks. Most of your time writing PHOCOA apps will be spent designing your GUI and writing application-specific logic rather than dealing with form data, database calls, etc. HOCOA is an object-oriented, event-driven, componentized, MVC (model-view-controller) web framework.
14. Seagull
Seagull PHP Framework (Seagull) is an OOP PHP software framework for building web, command line and GUI applications. Seagull uses Model-view-controller design pattern. Many popular PHP applications are integrated within the project, as are various templating engines, PEAR libs, testing tools and managed library code.
15. Recess
Recess is a RESTful PHP framework that provides a fun and enjoyable development experience for beginner and seasoned developers alike. If you want a full featured RESTful web application without having to master the command line or learn complicated deployment recipes, Recess is for you. Recess is fast, light-weight, and has a very small footprint—ideal for LAMP development and drag-and-drop deployment to shared hosts. Recess is a modern framework that uses a loosely-coupled Model-View-Controller architecture designed and optimized specifically for PHP 5.
16. Qcodo
Qcodo Development Framework is a completely object-oriented framework, it takes the best of PHP and provides a truly rapid application development platform. Initial prototypes roll out in minutes instead of days. Iterations come around in hours instead of weeks. As projects iterate into more cohesive solutions, the framework allows developers to take prototypes to the next level by providing the capability of bringing the application to maturity.
17. Agavi
Agavi is a powerful, scalable PHP5 application framework that follows the MVC paradigm. It enables developers to write clean, maintainable and extensible code. Agavi puts choice and freedom over limiting conventions, and focuses on sustained quality rather than short-sighted decisions.
18. Horde
Horde Framework is the glue that all Horde applications have in common. It is many things, including some coding standards, common code, and inter-application communication. The shared code provides common ways of handling things like preferences, permissions, browser detection, user help, and more.
19. KumbiaPHP
KumbiaPHP is a web application framework written in PHP5 free. Based development practices as DRY and KISS Principle for commercial and educational software. Kumbiaphp promotes speed and efficiency in creating and maintaining web applications, replacing repetitive coding tasks by power, control and pleasure. KumbiaPHP PHP Framework seeks to provide facilities to build robust applications for retail environments. This means that the framework is very flexible and configurable. KumbiaPHP is an effort to produce a framework that helps reduce the development time of a web application with no effect on programmers.
20. PHPOpenBiz
Openbiz is application framework that provides an object-oriented metadata-driven platform for application developers to build web application with least possible programming code. It helps developers and IT consultants to build web based applications based on a well designed infrastructure. Due to the complexity of enterprise applications, a development project usually means big investment. It takes long time to plan, system design, prototyping, coding, tests and deployment and maintenance. With the help of Openbiz, applications development will be built on MVC (Model-View-Controller) model, have ORM (Object-Relational-Mapping) support and all logic are declared by XML metadata.
21. evoCore
evoCore is the framework at the heart of the b2evolution blogging application. It is freely available for anyone to use. It is dual licensed so you can choose to use it either under the GNU GPL or the Mozilla MPL license. The features are MVC (Model View Controller) architecture. A taste of AJAX (everybody likes buzzwords right?). A taste of XML (the perfect buzzword with no meaning behind it). Load balancing with shared nothing architecture. Session handling (accross multiple servers / DB based). User & group management. Permissions management. General and user settings management. File management. Web stats management. Scheduled PHP tasks management (“cron jobs”). Plugin framework. DataObjects and DataObjectCaches. Quick Form building. Quick Result lists building. Quick list editor building. and quite a few more little useful things
22. SolarPHP
Solar is a PHP 5 framework for web application development. It is fully name-spaced and uses enterprise application design patterns, with built-in support for localization and configuration at all levels.
Php On Trax (formerly Php On Rails) is a web-application and persistance framework that is based on Ruby on Rails and includes everything needed to create database-backed web-applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern of separation. This pattern splits the view (also called the presentation) into “dumb” templates that are primarily responsible for inserting pre-build data in between HTML tags. The model contains the “smart” domain objects (such as Account, Product, Person, Post) that holds all the business logic and knows how to persist themselves to a database. The controller handles the incoming requests (such as Save New Account, Update Product, Show Post) by manipulating the model and directing data to the view. In Trax, the model is handled by what’s called a object-relational mapping layer entitled Active Record. This layer allows you to present the data from database rows as objects and embellish these data objects with business logic methods.
24. PHPDevShell
PHPDevShell is lightly based on MVC but does support complex MVC, everything can be done in a single controller or simple/complex MVC or other structures. However, we are aiming for a good level of abstraction, i.e. seperation of business rules, presentation, database, etc. PHPDevShell is NOT a Content Management System with which you would typically create websites with (although this is not impossible of course as it could be a very powerful CMS), it would usually be used as back-end administration, advanced complex websites. There are CMS systems that would suite you better if you want to create generic customer centric web site, please look at Drupal, Joomla, ExpressionEngine or WordPress for good CMS technology.
25. Typo3
TYPO3 Flow is not a pick’n’mix store of motley components. It’s a framework which helps you with the infrastructure of your application. Object Lifecycle Management, Package Management, Resource Management and Security are on it’s home field. Real business logic is left to custom packages.
26. Lion PHP Framework
Lion offers an elegant way to minimize development efforts in building a feature-rich web applications with PHP. There are a number of features Lion has implemented, all of which are based on accepted web development patterns. Some of these features include: MVC + MVP architecture. Dependency Injection (IoC) a la Spring. Web Flow a la Spring. Request dispatcher with Intercepting filter. Powerful URL rewrite engine. Event-driven architecture. Native AJAX support. Authentication and Authorization (session based RBAC). I18n support. 3 levels of cache support (page level, view level and service level). Configuration management a la .NET. Form validations + data sanitization. Template based views. Logging facade and log4php native support.
27. Nette Framework
Nette Framework lets you work more effectively, focus on what’s important and makes your code more readable and well-structured in the process. Some features include: an excellent templating system, unbeatable diagnostic tools, extraordinarily effective database layer, rock-solid protection against known vulnerabilities, HTML5 and AJAX support, SEO friendly, well written documentation and an active open source community, mature and clean object oriented design leveraging the latest PHP features, best-practice solutions that are encouraged, but not enforced.
28. CoughPHP
CoughPHP is an extremely lightweight PHP ORM framework for dealing with objects that have single table counterparts in a database. Cough is built to be easy to learn, use, and extend. Cough generates all the code you need for managing the object model-to-relational model mapping. This includes simple methods for all your CRUD functionality. This also includes Cough Collection classes that represent the relationships between tables in your data model.
29. Jelix
Jelix features are, An architecture in reusable modules: capitalize on your development, An MVC logic and a structured organization of files for easy maintenance, Plugins to extend jelix components, Many simple APIs, A performance core for exigent web sites.
30. KissMVC
KISSMVC is a simple and minimalist PHP Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework for rapid development of web applications.
It is designed with the KISS principle in mind, and the entire source code can be read and understood in minutes. KISSMVC provides 3 small classes: 1) The Model class is a simple ORM that works on single database tables. 2) The View class is a simple PHP templating system. 3) The Controller class lets you use friendly URLs routed though a single index.php page.
31. QCubed
QCubed (pronounced ‘Q’ – cubed) is a PHP5 Model-View-Controller framework. The goal of the framework is to save the time for developers around mundane, repeatable tasks – allowing them to concentrate on things that are useful AND fun. How many times have you written that SQL query, and then parsed out the results? How about that time when you had to create a form with validation logic? How about a situation where you had to move your database back-end from MySQL to PostgreSQL or another database
32. LightVC
LightVC is a lightweight model-view-controller (MVC) framework without the model. This decoupling allows any model or object relation mapping (ORM) tool to be used. LightVC’s main purpose is to route requests to controller actions quickly and efficiently. It aims to be extensible, allowing custom routers to be provided (e.g. map legacy URLs to their new locations). Unlike other MVC frameworks, LightVC does not couple itself to other classes such as those for managing sessions, form helpers, and so on. This promotes code reuse by allowing existing code for such tasks be used.
33. Tangra
Tangra is a framework for development of PHP5 applications. Its main target is to boost the productivity of the developers. It consist code library, modules and control center. General idea is by providing consistent, robust and powerful tools and environment to free the developers from annoying repetitive tasks and let them concentrate on important parts of the applications. Tangra framework is not intended for use on high load sites. It is more suitable for intranet or extranet environments where reliability, feature richness and usability
34. Flourish
Flourish provides a strong, base set of PHP classes that run pretty much anywhere, helping you focus on solving more interesting problems. You will find Flourish useful if you need to write code that is any of the following: Promoted security best-practices. Consistent and easy to understand. Needs to model simple or complex databases, especially existing schemas. Works with international data. Can perform accurate math calculations. Easily manipulates images. Able to run on different databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MSSQL, Oracle, DB2). Can be used on closed-source projects. Needs to run on different versions of PHP. Needs an architecture other than MVC. Plays nicely with other libraries and frameworks.
35. TinyMVC
TinyMVC is an MVC (Model-View-Controller) application framework for PHP. It provides clear separation between the database operations (Model), the presentation (View), and the glue in between (Controller). TinyMVC is NOT a full-featured framework. Out-of-the-box, it is a simple MVC structure with a database support layer (PDO). Every aspect of this framework is extendible via plugins.
36. Stubbles
Stubbles is a PHP 5 framework, that combines your favorite features from other programming languages and frameworks.
37. Atomik
Atomik is a PHP micro framework that provides everything you need to make small to medium websites and get you started as quickly as possible. It’s simple nature makes it the perfect fit for beginners.
Doo is a PHP framework designed to give you a delightful development experience without slowing down you applications like most frameworks does. Doo tries to be as lightweight as possible and has a small source code footprint. The creator actually benchmarked various possible approaches when building a module and chooses the fastest for Doo. Doo is easy to learn and use. You only need to know PHP and object-oriented programming. You are not forced to learn a new configuration or templating language.
39. DragonPHP
DragonPHP is a light-weight MVC (model 2) web application framework for PHP 5. It supports controllers, dynamic templating, implicite flow control, logging, request validator, model helper, and an active record implementation.
40. CIEXtended
CIEX (CIEXtended) is a PHP framework based on CI which includes by default an extremely light-weight ORM (object-relational mapping). The goal of CIEX is to extend what we think CI has missed, and to add some implementations which we think is useful to everyone for everyday use, whilst still keeping the flexibility of CI as much as possible.
41. Bedrock
Bedrock Framework is a web framework designed around bridging popular APIs and technologies with PHP. While it has an MVC core with all the functionality expected from a web framework, its primary goal is to simplify the use of other technologies with PHP.
42. Noloh
NOLOH is an event-driven lightweight, on-demand, object-oriented Web application development platform. It is ideal for developing feature-rich web sites and web applications faster and with fewer resources. NOLOH extends PHP 5.1+, eliminates the need for HTML and JavaScript, and builds in many advanced features such as codeless AJAX, automatic SEO and a full suite of UI controls.
43. Vork Enterprise PHP Framework
Vork is a development platform for Performance-Oriented, Scalable, Green and Economical, Rapid Application Development, Ease of use, Universal compatibility with every PHP-based and mainstream database.
44. Open Delight
Open Delight is an open source and free application development framework for PHP and MySQL that makes the development of entreprise-grade applications on Cloud really fast and easy.
45. Lithium
Lithium is a full-stack web application framework, for producing web applications. It is written in PHP, supporting PHP 5.3 and onwards and is based on the model–view–controller development architecture. It is described as adhering to no-nonsense philosophies
46. SimplePHP
Simple MVC Framework is a PHP 5.4+ MVC Framework. It’s designed to be lightweight and modular, allowing developers to build better and easy to maintain code with PHP. The base framework comes with a range of helper classes, Classes can easily be added at any stage of development.
47. Ister
Ister PHP4 Framework is a class library providing a consistent object oriented framework to build web applications. Features are custom logging, database abstraction, encapsulation of HTTP, classes to configure applications, form processing and more. Also included in the framework is an improved version of the templating system t24. The framework is aimed to support the implementation of the MVC pattern for PHP. Currently supported databases are: MySQL, PostgreSQL. Other databases may be accessed with DBX driver.
48. Sourdough
Sourdough is a comprehensive web application framework for PHP5. Sourdough provides developers with real-world solutions for common system components such as User Management, Session Handling, User Authentication, Exception Handling and Logging, Template System as well as Form Building and Handling. It does also include a database abstraction layer with excellent support for the popular MySQL database as well as support for many other database systems like MSSQL, PostgreSQL, and the new lightweight SQLite.
49. MagicPHP
MagicPHP Framework, which allows the development of virtually any kinds of PHP-based web applications in a completely fresh way. It follows all the basic principles of Object Oriented Programming and suggests new rules and conventions of web development.
50. PSX
PSX is a framework written in PHP to create REST APIs. It provides tools to handle routing, API versioning, data transformation, authentication, documentation and testing. With PSX you can easily build an REST API around an existing application or create a new one from scratch. Take a look at the example to see an API in action.
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